My favorite paid-to-promote websites

Best AutoSurf programs to use:

1. PaidSurfing - Great 2% daily autosurf program and you get at least 200 hits a day to your site

2. AussieEarners - 5% daily program that really pays. Earn lots of hits easily.

3. ClickEvolution - Credits eat up in a second

4. Sprutt - With 1:1 ratio earn hits very fast

5. - Earn 1000's of hits daily that eat up very fast

6. Cashwayz - 10000 hits sign-up bonus, credits eat up fast, 0.09$ for every referral.

Earn money for sending hits to your referral URL



Top 5 paid-to-promote that accept autosurf :

  1. Paid-to-promote : The best PTP around with very high rates.

  2. Money4net : You decide how much you earn per CPM by upgrading.

  3. ClickSender : High rates (0.95$ per CPM as a free member).

  4. WolfEmails : A popular PTR that has an unrestricted PTP section.

  5. StormofCash : Nice program with lots of members that has PTR, PTC and PTP

Best Publishing (CPM) programs:

  1. Paid-to-promote : Publish banners, pop-ups, active x's and layer ads.

  2. Paypopup : Very popular, big rates for pop-unders and banners

  3. CompactBanner : Nice rates for banners, banners with pop-ups, active x's.







    Want to earn at least 5$ a day without much effort? It's simple. First join all the paid-to-promote programs listed above. After that make a webpage like this one(If you can't do it or don't have time email me here and I'll design it for you) with the PTP banners and layer ad and make another page just like the first one only without the layer ad. Then join the auto-surf programs above or email me for more good ones where you get lots of hits to your URLs. Submit the layer page to those that accept it and the no layer to the ones who don't. After that surf every day for credits and cash. You can also get some referrals to these programs and this way you won't have to surf. Submit the promotion pages of the other PTP programs you joined. You will start to earn a minimum of 1$ a day at and another 1$ at the other programs without any referrals. A good tip is to use these earnings to get more referrals and also to upgrade at Money4net. At this program your free account is a 4$ level and you earn about 0.25$ CPM(Thousand hits). But if you upgrade you'll earn much more. For example if you have a 100$ level account you'll earn about 6$ CPM. Isn't that great? If you need any additional information please don't hesitate to email me here and I'll help you. The only thing I ask from you is to join under me at these great programs.